Nobel Prize, security, smart home, Santa, calories, close calls, temperature, AOL, river cruise, and shopping.

Pretty sure we could deal with a phone call at an inconvenient time for news of this sort.

There have been so many high profile security breaches recently. Make sure you aren’t making these mistakes.

Google released a whole suite of devices, some of which are smart home related, and one of which is fairly incredible.

Don’t let the kids know, but Turkey thinks it’s found Santa Claus’ crypt.

Alexandre Sato 2013

Alexandre Sato/flickr/2013

We don’t have the counter space for this, but it would be cool to have the info it provides.

Just when you think there’s going to be a schadenfreude payoff…

This solution is so obvious, why didn’t it happen sooner?

AOL Instant Messenger still exists? Not for long.

Too bad this won’t be up and running by the convention and expo!

Shut up and take our money.

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