Preparing for tax time, dog-proofing your car, the benefits of a robo-garage, and much more, compiled by Anne-Marie Siudzinski, Senior Library Information Specialist.

Tax time tips.

Help pets by donating your old bedding to local animal shelters. Also, dog-proofing your car.

Pollen haze or pollen bomb–let the sneezing begin.

Matt Batchelor/flickr/2011

Locked out of your iPad by your toddler.  Yikes!

Who loves assembling Ikea furniture?  Not us.  A new Ikea store in New York City can assemble its furniture for you.

The first picture of a black hole.

There’s a burglar in your bathroom, so you call the police for help.  Never mind–it’s just a Roomba.

The benefits of a robo-garage–more parking spaces, no need for ventilation and can attract affluent homeowners.

Coffee IS essential, gosh darn it!

Finally organize your photos on your phone.


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