A very expensive Harry Potter first edition, future homes on Mars, movie houses, spring cleaning, rideshare safety tips and much more, compiled by Anne-Marie Siudzinski, Senior Library Information Specialist.

A very pricey Harry Potter first edition was just sold.

Which home on Mars would you want to live in? NASA has three designs to choose from.

It’s time for spring cleaning, so clean your house and your life. Also, death cleaning has just been added to Dictionary.com.

Judith Doyle/flickr/2010

Productivity vs. Attention Management.

Take a road trip to visit your favorite house in your favorite movie.

Rideshare safety tips for everyone.

The Game of Thrones Family Tree.

Spider-proof your home, pronto!

Proptech has even entered the farmland rental market with Tillable.

Cats recognize their own names, says a Japanese study.



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