NAR members and Association staff can borrow up to six electronic books, digital audios and/or videos at no cost, through the Virtual Library eBooks Collection. Members can also borrow up to three books for 30 days from the Library Catalog for a nominal fee of $10. Call Information Services at 800.874.6500 for assistance.

NordstromWayThe Nordstrom Way by Robert Spector and breAnne O. Reeves

In this new edition of the management classic, the authors explore in-depth the core values of the culture that have made Nordstrom synonymous with legendary customer service. These essential values have enabled Nordstrom to survive and adapt to dramatic market shifts regularly since 1901, and the new edition explains how the Nordstrom approach can be emulated by any organization—in any industry—in every corner of the world.


475 Tax Deductions for Businesses and Self-Employed Individuals by Bernard B. Kamoroff

This invaluable book, updated to reflect changes in tax law, not only lists the individual items that are deductible—from Internet domain name costs to theft losses—but also explains where to list them on your income tax form. “Tax law isn’t easy,” the author explains, “but this book is.”


Hug Your HatersHug Your Haters by Jay Baer

Whether you work for a mom-and-pop store or a global brand, you will have haters—and you can’t afford to ignore them. Baer’s insights and tactics will teach you how to embrace complaints, put haters to work for you, and turn bad news into good outcomes


When by Daniel Pink

In When, Pink distills cutting-edge research and data on timing and synthesizes them into a fascinating, readable narrative packed with irresistible stories and practical takeaways that give readers compelling insights into how we can live richer, more engaged lives.


Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller

Donald Miller’s StoryBrand process is a proven solution to the struggle business leaders face when talking about their businesses. This revolutionary method for connecting with customers provides readers with the ultimate competitive advantage, revealing the secret for helping their customers understand the compelling benefits of using their products, ideas, or services.


The Power of Your Leadership by John C. Maxwell

In THE POWER OF YOUR LEADERSHIP, Maxwell demonstrates what can come from combining personal passion and leadership in a way that goes beyond mere success. By finding like-minded people and putting them first, you can make a difference in their lives and create a united effort that leaves a lasting positive impact.

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