After weeks of speculation, President-Elect Donald J. Trump this morning announced Dr. Ben Carson as his nominee for  Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

In response to the news, National Association of Realtors® President William E. Brown took the opportunity to highlight the challenges facing the next HUD Secretary. He also congratulated Dr. Carson on being selected with the following statement:

“Realtors® know that the incoming Secretary of Housing and Urban Development has a big job ahead. Potential homebuyers face a range of hurdles, from rising prices to mortgage credit that’s burdened by fees and extra costs,” said Brown.

“We congratulate Dr. Carson on accepting this important challenge and wish him the very best of luck in meeting the task ahead. While we’ve made great strides in recent years, far more can be done to put the dream of homeownership in reach for more Americans. The National Association of Realtors® and its 1.2 million members looks forward to working with Dr. Carson to fulfill this important mission.”

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