Famous locations, social media addiction, financial education, cleaning, energy, pets, internet shopping, names, security, and nail houses.

Shut up and take our money.

Ugh, look at those crowds! We’d close it off, too.

How addicted are you to the “bright dings of social pleasure?”

Recently dubbed Nobel Laureate, Richard Thaler, has a bleak outlook on our ability to apply personal finance education to our lives.

Wait, people don’t clean these things?

Philip Wilson 2012

Philip Wilson/flickr/2012

If you are going to have a 3,123 sq. ft. home, it’s probably best to make it as energy efficient as possible.

Are we surprised that IKEA is branching out into furniture and toys for pets? Nah.

Are we surprised that Amazon sells whole houses? A little.

Geez, what did this wasp do to deserve this name?

Is this an innocuous or fishy security system?

Speaking of safety, you’ll never guess which city ranked #19 of the world’s safest cities.

How much could you put up with around you to stay put in a house you love?

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